L’Association des professeurs de français en Irlande
The official website of teachers of French in Ireland


The FTA is the voice of French Teachers in Ireland. Through its National Executive and Regional Branches it organises conferences, in-career development courses and activities for teachers. It also arranges student competitions and quizzes at regional and national level.

The FTA is the official representative of second level teachers of French with the Department of Education and Skills, the Ambassade de France en Irlande, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, the Subject Association Representative Group and Fédération Internationale de Professeurs de Français. It also provides resources for teachers of French at primary school.

As the official voice of French teachers on the NCCA it contributes to the development and review of new programmes at Junior and Senior Level.

Working with the Department of Education and Skills and the French Embassy in Ireland the FTA Irlande represents Irish teachers on the FIPC Franco-Irish Pedagogical Committee. The FIPC organises the French Language Assistant programme, the Teacher Professional Visit scheme and the summer scholarships programme.

The FTA Irlande is an active member of the FIPF Fédération internationale des professeurs de français. All members of the FTA Irlande have access to the many resources of the FIPF.

The FTA Irlande is a totally voluntary association. It is not affiliated to nor does it promote any private group or association.

JOIN THE FTA Irlande now and become part of the dynamic and official association of French teachers in Ireland. Be part of our conferences, JC and SC consultations, national and regional competitions, online webinars, and the international francophone community. Access our resources. Join in the many activities of the Mois de la francophonie and the Jour des profs de français. Have your voice heard! Join us now!

To become an Individual member of the Association, please click here.

To see our constitution, please click here.


FTA Bureau National
ChairpersonAnn Brudell
Vice-ChairpersonHugh Nagle
Minutes SecretaryPauline Daly
Secretary/Point-of-Contact & Email AdministratorDarragh Burke
TreasurerGwynne Dennehy
Communications Officer Hugh Nagle
CEO / FIPFAnn Brudell
FIPCAnn Brudell, Joe Walsh
SARGGwynne Dennehy
NCCARichard Britton
Richard Britton
FIPF RepresentativesAnn Brudell, Joe Walsh
Responsables des comités régionaux de la FTA
CorkGwynne Dennehy, CBS Midleton
GalwayJean McMahon, Mercy Secondary School, Tuam
LimerickEimear Holly, Rice College, Ennis
KildareJoe Walsh
Carrick-on-ShannonAnn Brudell, Scoil Mhuire, Strokestown
DublinKate O'Regan, St Mary's, Baldoyle

Tous les officiers du bureau national et des comités régionaux peuvent être contactés à secretary@fta.ie. Tout projet proposé par, ou en collaboration avec, un comité régional doit passer par le responsable nommé ci-dessus de ce comité. Tout projet régional doit avoir l’accord préalable du bureau national et conforme à ses procédures et protocoles.

La FTA vous remercie de votre soutien de ses projets et de ses initiatives récents. Elle attend le plaisir de continuer de travailler avec vous dans les mois à venir et tout au long de l’année scolaire.

La secrétaire nationale de la FTA

Join us today!


© Tous droits réservés. | L’Association officielle des professeurs de français en Irlande. | 2025